Saturday 15 November 2008

Do You Flickr?

I know I'm probably light years behind everyone else, but I've just discovered the delights of the image and video hosting website, Flickr. I like the idea of using it as another indirect marketing tool but I'm also just plain nosey and I love looking at these little snapshots of peoples’ lives. I suppose we're all voyeurs at heart.

In keeping with the Forever Foxed brand I'm using it primarily to post photos of our dog Jackson interspersed with a few of my greeting cards. Still not clear how blatant we're allowed to be about selling stuff so there's not even a hint of the word "etsy" except as a link in my profile. I've noticed that some people use it as a tag but I read on the etsy forums that it's verboten so I'm still being supercautious.

I've already joined a few Flickr groups and left some random comments here and there. I've even had 2 sales as a direct result of it which can't be bad in my first week of actively using it. So if you fancy a sneaky peek at my flickr page, please click here. Go on, you know you want to!


  1. What a beautiful dog..good job on the cards..

  2. Just wanted to day your blog is beautiful! :) Oh, and I agree with you...I think we enjoy being voyeurs at times. I just joined Flickr myself, though I am still not sure what in the world I'm doing half the time. :)

  3. I Love flickr too. You have a lovely dog.

  4. Jackson is so cute! I just discovered Flickr a week ago, and I agree, I do enjoy looking at what other people are up to. :)

  5. yeah i have a flickr but i rarely use it plus i am almost over the limit

  6. I am light years behind too, I just joined Flickr too:):)

  7. that's a lovely photo!
    I have a flickr but I never keep up with it! I don't know why either!

  8. i opened a flickr over the weekend and started spending some time on it and it said i had too many photos. so i think it's time to reorganize. haha

    that's awesome that you already made two sales. i need to be more active with my account.

    and i love upstairs downstairs. i hardly ever come across anyone who has watched them. i've had the flu this week so i pulled out my collection and watched every episode. i love it so much!!

  9. Flickr is WONDERFUL! A lot of people link directly to their Etsy shop but I've heard sellers in the Etsy forums say they've been kicked off without warning for that. Yikes!

    The picture of your dog is just stunning.

    Renee :)

  10. Yep, Flickr is pretty darn cool! I've gotten some jobs out of it as well, just from posting and joining groups!



  11. Thanks God you found I found you! Loved your blog!
