102 dogs attended, along with their accompanying humans, of course. The numbers were as follows:
Wire Fox Terriers = 66
Welsh Terriers = 12
Lakeland Terriers =9
Smooth Fox Terriers = 2
Bedlington Terriers = 2
Airedale Terrier = 1
Cockerpoo = 1
Springer Spaniel = 1
Glen of Imaal = 2
Jack Russell = 1
Border Terrier = 1
Toy Poodle = 1
Maltese/Shih Tzu = 1
Heinz = 1
And not forgetting Alfie, the Terrier SOS dog :)
The walk followed its usual format. We met at Brighton Marina at 11.00 and after registering the dogs and their humans, sauntered along the Undercliff Walk to the Ovingdean Gap Cafe. Here we stopped for refreshments, with many terriers playing off lead on the beach, A number continued on to Rottingdean for lunch before strolling back across the cliff tops to our starting place. Another group headed directly back to the Marina, stopping at different cafes on our return.
A huge thank you for everyone who turned up and made this such a special occasion. We were very lucky to be joined on the walk by Gabriella, Hélène and Clément from France, and Philippe from Belgium with their dogs. Thank you so much!
You can see more photos from the day on our Event page on Facebook by clicking here (but you need to be logged into Facebook)
Diana & I have handed over the organisation of the Fun Walks to Lorna and her WFT, Hector. She can be contacted at Hectorthefoxterrier@outlook.com
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